Workspace management

To manage a workspace, you must have an Admin or a Workspace Manager role. Your Workspace role is displayed in the workspace members area within your settings.

Although Admins can manage a workspace, they can not manage workspace members unless assigned the Workspace Manager role.

Add workspace members

To add a member to your workspace, go to Workspace Settings > Members and enter their email address. Click 'Add Members' to finish.

You can then begin typing the email address of the member you want to add to the workspace. Select the member(s) and click Add Members.

Things to keep in mind:

  • All workspaces must have at least one Workspace Manager.

  • Workspace Managers can remove workspace members.

  • Workspace Members can view, create and update projects and assets inside this workspace.

  • All workspace members have permission to add members to a workspace.

Workspace settings

Only Workspace Managers and Admins have permission to update workspace settings.

To view or update workspace settings, select the Workspace Settings tab within your workspace. There you can manage your workspace settings.


Leave Workspace

Deleting a workspace also deletes all projects, phases, models, and datasets associated with it. You must be a Workspace Manager to delete a workspace.

This action is irreversible.