Welcome to Vectice Docs!

Learn more about Vectice, the first Data Science management solution!

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What is Vectice?

Vectice is the first-ever Data Science management solution, offering a comprehensive platform that streamlines data science initiatives, empowers collaboration, and maximizes the value of data-driven insights.

Learn more about Vectice by watching our Introduction video!

Vectice Solutions

Vectice offers solutions for Data Science Managers and Data Scientists. Read below to learn how Vectice can benefit you.

For Data Science Managers

Vectice supports your organization in defining and reviewing initiatives, securing team knowledge, and showcasing projects' impact to stakeholders. You can...

  • Set DS Processes & Best Practices

  • Have Multi-level Visibility & Realtime Updates

  • Find & Showcase Your DS Experts

  • Review & Provide Feedback for initiatives

For Data Scientists

Vectice enables data scientists to capture key milestones along with the associated assets and report key findings to colleagues and stakeholders. You can...

  • Report Key Milestones

  • Mentor Teammates & Collaboration

  • Have a Centralized Location for Projects and artifacts

  • Auto-document Critical ML Assets

Last updated