User Roles and Permissions
Review the organization and workspace permissions that users can access based on their assigned roles.
The following permission matrix tables list the permissions for each role available within Vectice, along with their granted permissions.
Organization User Roles
Organization user roles define what users can do within their organization in Vectice. The available roles are as follows:
User - Can access workspaces within an organization.
Org Admin - Can do everything at the Organization level.
Access Workspaces *
Create new Workspaces**
Delete Workspaces
Manage organization settings
Manage organization users
* Permission is valid if you are at least a member of the Workspace. View Workspace Roles for more information on Workspace role permissions.
** Org Admins can update organization settings to allow all users to create workspaces.
Workspace Roles
Workspace roles define what the user can do and access within a workspace. The available roles are as follows:
Member - Can access, create, and manage projects within a Workspace.
Workspace Admin - Can do everything at the Workspace level.
Read the Workspace content
Request phase reviews
Review project phases **
Create projects, phases, and assets
Transfer project ownership
Delete projects
Access workspace dashboard
Add members to Workspace
Remove members from Workspace
Update Workspace settings
Delete Workspaces
** Permission is valid if you have received a request to review a phase.