Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
If you use a version that Vectice hosts, you can log in via the URL https://app.vectice.com. This is the same URL you need for Vectice API authentication.
If you have a private deployment, your Vectice Admin will be able to guide you. If you have any questions, please reach out to support@vectice.com.
The API Token enables you to authenticate your requests from the Vectice Python library to the Vectice application. You can create a new API token by:
Click on the User menu button (where your user Avatar is)
Select the API Tokens option
Click the Create API Token button.
This will open a screen for you to create, then copy/download your API token. For more information, view our Create an API token guide.
Only organization Admins can create a new workspace.
Org admins can create a new workspace by logging into Vectice, selecting Workspaces, then selecting the Create Workspace button. For more information on managing workspaces, visit our Manage Workspaces guide.
Organization administrators can invite new users to their organization by clicking on Invite Users in the Users tab of the organization settings.
You can select the list of workspaces the new user will have access to upon joining and their user role. You can also see the list of pending invitations to cancel the invitation or resend it.
For more information on adding a new user to your organization, view our Manage your Organization guide.
As an Admin, during the process of inviting new users to join the organization, you can select the workspaces you want the user to join upon accepting the invitation.
Another way to add a new member to your workspace is to click the “Add Members" from the member's tab of your workspace settings.
For more information on adding a new member to a workspace, view our Administration Guide.
In the Web UI, you can navigate to the Project, where you will see direct tabs to your project's overview, phases, datasets, and models.
To find your project assets and artifacts, click on the direct tabs. For example, to find your model assets, click Models. There you will find your model's metadata, lineage, and versions. Additionally, all assets are searchable across all your Workspaces and Projects from the Global Search located at the top of the page.
The different levels of permissions in Vectice are:
Organization administrator: Manages the organization-level permissions, users in the organization, and workspaces. Org admins can:
Create and manage workspaces
Invite and manage users
Configure organization settings
Organization user: Manages workspaces they are administrators of and projects in the workspaces they are members of.
Workspace administrator: Manages the workspace level permissions, users in the workspace, and projects.
Workspace member: Manages projects in the workspaces they are members of.
The organization administrator can change the users’ permissions from the “Users” tab of the organization settings.
The workspace members can change the members’ permissions from the “Members” tab of the workspace settings.
To learn more about user roles and permissions, view our Role Permission Matrix Tables guide.
To create a project template, create a new project and select the template of your choice. To learn more about the available templates and best practices, view the Create a project and Project Templates guides for more details.