Install Vectice Library

Setup your environment to work with Vectice.

Vectice provides a Python API library to enable Data Scientists to capture key milestones of the initiative they're working on without leaving their favorite notebook.

Before installing Vectice, let's ensure you have the necessary dependencies. You will need the following:

  1. Python 3.7.1 Version or greater.

  2. To have pipinstalled.

Open a terminal, command line, or notebook and run the following command:

pip install vectice

Note The above line installs the latest version of Vectice published in PyPI.

To install a specific version that is compatible with your server, specify the version number like this: pip install vectice==version number. You can find all the Vectice versions here.


The Vectice Python API may require additional installations for some functionalities. For example, to utilize AWS S3 for data storage, you would require pip install vectice["s3"].

You can chain multiple installations by using the following notation.

pip install vectice["s3, gcs"]

The supported options are the following:

ExtrasInstallation NotationDescription


pip install vectice["s3"]

Enables you to use S3DataWrapper

Google Cloud Storage

pip install vectice["gcs"]

Enables you to use the GcsDataWrapper

Now that we have Vectice installed, let's move on to the Tutorial to start capturing key milestones for a sample project.

Last updated