Workspace Dashboard

Gain insights to understand your team's projects and progression, quickly identify risks, and improve your team's overall performance.

What is Workspace Dashboard?

Workspace Dashboard provides Data Science Managers and Executives insights into the organization's project progression and team activity within Vectice. With these insights, you can clearly understand your team's projects' progression and identify risks quickly to avoid project delays. You'll also be able to understand the workload and assignments of your team to rebalance priorities between projects and team members if needed.

As a user of the Workspace Dashboard, you will be able to:

  • Rapidly make crucial decisions about DS projects to align organizational goals.

  • Save time by gaining insights into the most critical information in the DS product process.

  • Access accurate information curated by your DS experts without the lag and loss of information.

  • Identify and apply critical talent and resources to areas of greatest organizational need.

  • Ensure business KPIs are met with each DS project and initiative.

Progress Project Widgets

Below is an overview of how you can use each Progress Projects widget to gain insights into ongoing projects and initiatives in Vectice. Let's take a look!


Overall Activity

Obtain a high-level overview of the productivity towards data science initiative in Vectice.

Activity Insights

Obtain a high-level overview of the specific types of productivity happening within Vectice.

Top Ongoing Projects by Duration

Identify projects that may require more resources or improvement with project planning.

Top Ongoing Phases by Duration

Identify phases that may require task reprioritization or additional resources.

Project Status Breakdown

Track all project statuses to make data-informed decisions and manage stakeholder expectations.

Phase Status Breakdown

Track all phase statuses to make data-informed decisions and improve phase planning and efficiency.

Latest Completed Projects

View the latest completed projects to understand the progress toward your organization's initiatives.

Latest Completed Phases

View the latest completed phases to understand the progression toward project completion.

Team Activity Widgets

The table below highlights how you can use each Team Activity widget to gain insights into user and team activity in Vectice.


Iteration Completed

Identify iterations completed by data scientists toward your data science initiatives.

Phase Completed

Identify phases completed by phase owners.

Top Creators of Assets

Identify asset creators who are capturing knowledge in Vectice, increasing stakeholder visibility.

Incomplete Phases by Owners

Manage project progression and workload by identifying incomplete phases to allocate additional resources if needed.

Pending Review by Approvers

Get an overview of the review approvers with pending reviews to offer support.

Completed Reviews by Approvers

Identify the review approvers completing phase reviews and their approved or rejected review rate.