
Vectice understands the importance of protecting your data and applications, and we've implemented comprehensive security measures to ensure your safety. This page provides an overview of our robust security practices:

Pillars of Security:

  • Data Storage Security: Your data is encrypted at rest and in transit, utilizing industry-standard methods to safeguard sensitive information.

  • Network Security: Our infrastructure is protected by firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and other advanced security controls to deter unauthorized access.

  • Sessions: We employ secure session management practices to prevent unauthorized session hijacking and maintain user accountability.

  • Secrets and Certificates: Sensitive data like passwords and API keys are securely stored and managed with robust encryption techniques.

  • Audit Logs: Detailed logs track user activity and system events, enabling us to identify and address potential security issues proactively.

  • SOC 2 Compliance: Our commitment to data security is further emphasized by achieving SOC 2 compliance, an independent audit verifying our adherence to the highest security standards.

  • Security Updates: We prioritize timely application and system updates to address vulnerabilities and maintain optimal security posture.

  • Best Practices: Our development and operations teams follow industry-leading security best practices to minimize risks and ensure a secure environment.

  • Business Continuity: We have implemented a robust business continuity plan that ensures data availability and service continuity in the event of a disruption.

This is just a high-level overview of our security measures. We are constantly evaluating and improving our security posture to adapt to emerging threats and maintain the highest level of protection for your data.